Monday, March 3, 2014

Calvin Joseph Maxwell

Our family has finally got a new addition. Calvin was born February 17 2014. He weighed 11 pounds and 23 inches long. I have to say I was a little surprised that he was that big. I knew he was going to be big maybe 9 pounds but wow 11 pounds. When he arrived he had to go to the NICU to be check because I had a fever during labor and also because of how big he was. When they checked his sugars they were 29 and they want there sugars to be above 45. Brian then fed him a bottle and his sugars went up to 51. So they said we could have him in our room and they would come back and check his sugars again before he fed again. When they came back his sugars were 42 which was below where they wanted them and then when we fed him again his sugars only went up to 45. So they were concerned and wanted to bring him into the NICU and put him on an iv so we could stabilize his sugars.
By the 3rd day we were in the hospital we ended up finding out that he had to many fluids in his body and had low sodium so we had to stay in the NICU longer to get that taken care of. He finally got his sugars and sodium taken care of by Saturday the 22nd and was able to come home. We were fortunate that we were able to stay an extra night in the hospital with him so we never had to go home with out him. He has been such a good baby. He hardly ever cries and he is a great sleeper. We love this little man so much and so glad he is apart of our family.


Jen said...

So happy for you. Share more of your birth story and lots more pictures when you have time!

Martha Maxwell said...

Makes me teary-eyed seeing those pictures! I'll have to give you the pictures I took asap!