Monday, February 27, 2012

Another good week.

I have now been doing weight watchers 8 weeks and I am down to 21.4 pounds. I am so glad that my husband and I made the decision together to start this. This has been so much easier to do with my husband. The last time i did it I would see him eat stuff that i knew i couldn't which made me want it too. I bet that is why i only lasted like a month and 1/2 on it last time. So many more months to go but I know it will be worth it in the end!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

OC Tanner Outlet Rocks!

So Brian's co worked introduced us to the OC Tanner outlet. They have two stores one is only open on Wednesday and they sale stuff that has defects some not very noticeable at all. So we went to that store and bought this painting for 50 dollars. What a great price and there are only a few flaws on the edge of the painting. The other store is just a discount store that is perfectly new to my understanding they are things that are sent to reward members and if they don't want them they mail them back but OC tanner cant sell them at a full price so they sell them at this store half off. On top of that half off they also have weekly specials that you can get an additional amount off of certain items. Anyways we bought this really nice clock there for like 40 dollars and we love it! It totally matches our entertainment center. We have also bought each other watchers from there. I got a nice fossil watch and Brian got a Swiss army watch. We totally love this place! It is also making out house a little bit nicer too!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Tim and Whitney are Engaged!

Tonight my brother-in-law got engaged. Pretty exciting news for them. The wedding will be April 28th! It will be so great to have another sister in law!

Monday, February 20, 2012

new entertainment center

We tho9ught it was time to get anew entertainment center so we went shopping at Rc Willey for the Presidents day sale and found this great piece! It will be in our family for along time :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

So I really have to say I think I have the best husband ever! I know all wives say this but I think it is really true for me! He was so sweet yesterday and decided we should do Valentines day the day before so we didn't have to mess with the crowd. So he came home with a letter and some really pretty flowers. Which the letter he does every year and I love them but he normally doesn't do flowers because well I tell him we don't need to spend the money. But we do have a little more money then we have had from previous years so it was a great surprise! Then we headed out to TGI Fridays and then we went and saw The Vow. Dinner was yummy and the movie was good. I cried at the end. It was a great early Valentines day!

Monday, February 13, 2012

I Love wieght watchers

So it has been a while since i have updated about how my progress is going. So here we go. As of today I have been doing this for 6 weeks and I am down 17.8 pounds. I am just loving doing this with my husband! He is so great to do this with too. It is totally different from the last time i did this like 4 years ago because I was doing it by myself. He is such a wonderful support system! There are times I am like i really want to eat something that i know it not worth the points and he helps me to not eat what i don't need. I am also feeling so much better and I really cant wait to see what the rest of the year brings!