Monday, February 14, 2011

kinda lookin ???

We are really wanting to get out of our condo so we have been house hunting. We have looked at some used houses for sale. But we also have looked to maybe build. Here is the link to the neighborhood
and then the floor plan we like is called Powder Mountain. That is just the main level. We are also planning on finishing the basement. But anyways just thought I would share :)


Aaron & Amy Norton said...

condo's are great, but houses are awesome! we loved the transition from our condo to our house...and now we're ready to say good-bye to our house and hello to california! our MLS # is 1015190 if you wanna take a look at our house :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Rachel,
Just want you to know that we are thinking of you and Brian! Love you lots and we're so glad that you are in our family!